From the day your child enters the Primary section, our Counsellor embarks on the process of creating a roadmap for your child’s bright future. The primary years are focused on providing your child access to multiple resources and experiences through audio-visual aids or play way activities. These help her/him develop interests in a variety of fields.
On entering the Middle School, your child is given an exposure to various career options via interactions with successful people in the various professions and through field trips to various institutes of eminence. The feedback from these interactions and visits in turn gives our counselor an early insight into the student’s aptitudes and interests.
By the time your child steps into his High School years, our counsellors will have homed on to her/his aptitudes and interests aided by comprehensive psychometric tests conducted in our school itself. These will now help all the stakeholders in your child’s future(TAS and parents) to identify the optimum path to your child’s success.