Holistic Development

Confident. Compassionate. Creative.

Holistic Development

In education, Holistic Development emphasises the importance of growth of the
Physical, Cognitive, Socio-Emotional and Creative aspects of a child’s personality.
At TAS, we strongly believe that for your Child to be the World’s future, she/he needs to
have a well-rounded personality. We inculcate and encourage all the important aspects
and ensure that every child emerges a confident, creative and compassionate citizen of
the world.

Our Sports Department is appropriately geared to ensure your child’s physical
development is on track with her/his age-defined milestones.

Our Curriculum and academic programs are structured in a way to enhance and focus
on the reasoning, logical and cognitive abilities of your child.

Our extra-curricular activities like, visits to Special Schools, Orphanages, Old-age
Homes or environment based projects aim to raise the emotional and social quotients of
our students.

The Arts, Music and Theater programs are designed to activate the creative realms of
the personality. 100% participation in at least one of these branches of the creative arts,
is the hallmark of our school.